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I thought I would never lose my pregnancy weight

I'm a busy working mother that lost 40 pounds and now feel so much more energy and strength.


While I was pregnant with my son, I questioned if I would ever be able to lose the weight I was putting on.


Once I gave birth to my son, I had put on over 40 pounds, and the thought of being able to button my old jeans up over my expanded stomach seemed almost impossible. I didn't want my stomach to stick out every time I wore a  going out dress or put on a sari. 


I began to buy clothes a few sizes bigger than my normal size, and wore clothes that covered up and hid my added weight, figuring it was just a temporary cover-up. 


I didn’t feel good about myself. I felt tired, like I could sleep all night long and still feel lethargic. I was drowsy, and didn’t have energy I used to. I also had a lot of pains in my lower back that made it hard for me to sit and stand.


In my wildest dreams, I never imagined that I would be able to wear my pre-pregnancy jeans in a size smaller than when I got pregnant.


After my second baby, I lost 20 pounds within 3 months after I started making changes to my diet. By the time my daughter was 6 months old, I was back to my pre-baby weight. And by the time she was 1, I was 20 pounds LESS than my pre-baby weight.


After 2 kids, I acheived the weight I wanted to be. Without changing my life. And more importantly, I have so much more energy, my body hurts and pains so much less, and I feel better every day when I wake up.


I started a website to share exactly how I lost weight and feel more energy, including tips and specific recipes that are easy and delicious. Sign up for my email list to receive my tips and tasty recipes at

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