As 200 women came together to celebrate their motherhood this Friday with us..A thought struck me - Aren't all women 'mothers' in a sense? Don't all of us have a natural inclination to nurture ?
Along the course of my life-journey, I have seen inspiring examples of :
- Women who single handedly take care of their parents, brothers and sisters (and even extended families) - Many of these women never physically battled the cry of birthing
- Women who take care of other men and women at work by sharing advice, advocating for promotions
- Women who champion for causes that might have never even touched them
This list can go on..and we could even expand this notion to the other gender who will be celebrated for this quality next month on Father's Day.
So what are we celebrating? In my mind, we are recognizing the 'Mother' in all of us - the dimension of our personality that gives birth to 'new beings', 'new ideas' and nurtures others. No one is disqualified from serving.
So to all of you -brave, caring and loving people - A Happy 'Mothers' Day!! Celebrate yourselves and the 'mother' in all your fellow beings!
Love and hugs!