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Rasberry and Vanilla Thumbprint Cookies

Holiday Season brings in the same fervor as the Diwali did back '80s and '90s. The spirit is the same - get togethers, food, new clothes and the increased zeal of people around. I remember we, cousins went berserk when it was time to go shopping for festivals. Now after more than 2 decades when  I see A, my son, going through the same phase wherein he talks about Thanksgiving and Christmas with so much enthusiasm, its nostalgia. Stories of Stony soup and Christmas are doing the rounds at bedtime and the talk revolves about the decorations, Santa Claus and the of course the quintessential Christmas Tree.

I made the first batch of these cookies for A's Playdate. It was a hit with the kids so the second batch came just a couple of days later the reason being it tasted as good as it looked. Besides I love baking cookies for the heavenly smell with which it fills my little abode.





Rasberry and Vanilla Eggless Cookies

Makes around 40 cookies.


All Purpose flour: 2 Cups

Sugar:2/3 cups

Butter: 1 Cup softened

Vanilla Extract: 1/2 teaspoon

Sugarfree Rasberry Preserve: 1/4 cup

Confectioners Sugar for dusting(optional)


  • Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees.
  • Mix softened butter, sugar and vanilla essence in a bowl with an electric mixer.
  • Add the flour in 2 parts mixing it well between additions.
  • Cover and refrigerate it for a minimum one hour.
  • Shape them into small balls of around 3/4 inch circumference.
  • Make an indentation in the centre of each cookie with thumb.
  • Fill it with rasberry preserve.
  • Bake it for 18-20 minutes or until the sides are little brown.









Happy Holidays to all my readers. May the Holiday season brings in more warmth in your relationships and add more smiles to your lives.


Views: 87


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Comment by shally arora on December 17, 2014 at 5:44pm

Thanks Shagun! Thanks for stopping by.

Comment by Shagun agarwal on December 17, 2014 at 4:49pm
Looks tasty n fab

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