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Summer day trips around New York/New Jersey (Mom handpicked)

Check out our updated list of over 50 places that are worth visiting this summer - click on links to read more and fill your calendar with fun day trips all summer long!



LONG ISLAND, NY BEACHES – Don’t own a car? MTA from Penn will take you there. Click here (Recommend only for folks who ‘love’ train rides and day trips.. Can get harrowing for families with babies/toddlers)

  • Robert Moses State Park,– This is the traditional and quintessential Long Island massive beach that families have been going to since 1908
  • Jones Beach State Park Relatively cleaner compared to the Robert Moses Park
  • Fire Island, NY  - Make a weekend trip out of this. The place is far and a hike to get to but well worth it
  • NY Aquarium and Coney Island Beach  - Not a Long Island Beach but one that is closest to Manhattan and accessible by Subway. Easiest for mums that want to do a daytrip without being driven there.








Know of any other great places that you have visited and want to recommend to other? Just list them below on the comments.

Views: 1487


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Comment by Girija G on May 28, 2016 at 9:00am
This is so handy and helpful. Thanks Newport Mommy!
If any parents want to visit these as group, please text at 201-463-2643, Regards, Girija
Comment by Dimple A on May 26, 2015 at 12:48pm

Please Touch Museum (Philadelphia, PA); Philadelphia Zoo (Philadelphia, PA); Franklin Institute (Philadelphia, PA)

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