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Hi friends,

My son would be turning one in a month, as we both are working I am looking for a good day care for him in jersey city. For now, I will be going in see the following day cares:
Learning ladders
Bright horizons
Baby Galileo

Please share your feedback about your experience with any of these day cares or any other which you would recommend.

Appreciate your help!!


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Hi Meenakshi,

I am looking to enroll my son too in the above daycares.

If you get any feedback , please let me know.




Hey Meenakshi, Rita

My 2 children attend Learning Ladders. Its a bright, clean preschool teeming with lots of toys, books, learning materials with excellent trained staff and management so all I can say is great experience. In class cameras, location, pediatrician next door and least # of holidays out of all the schools- all are awesome pluses for working couple like my husband & I. I would highly recommend this one among all other such places in JC.



Thanks Amanda!!

Amanda : I have heard many parents are trying to take their kids out of learning ladders.

Most parents have suggested bright horizons and others.

Meenakshi : Did you find any ?  Please let me know.

I have looked onto 3-4  daycares in downtown JC. Almost everyone have trained teachers, cameras. They are all clean with lots of toys and activities.    

It all depends on your experience, how your LO is treated and fed well. Also if the daycare is close to your place. I have always got mixed feedback of learning ladders , hence I am slightly hesitant to register my son.

The rest (early learning, bright horizons, world of abc) seem to be alright.

Also, don't go to baby galileo. Their charge is less but they aren't good.

hello Meenakshi , Rita

I am  stay home mom and do baby sitting at my home ,I do not have day care type of set up though .But I can assure you if you both leave your child at my place they will not miss anything they can get along with each other moreover  i myself is very experienced playful ,friendly ,motherly with babies and kids. I live very near grove st path station .if interested feel free to call me for more information at 7325168858.


Thanks Nitu, I have not made up my mind yet but will definitely talk to you before I decide.
MBaby Galileo few things :
They said that the baby has to be on sippy cup
Eating schedule 9, 12 and 3
Sleep at 1

They said that I need to train the baby before he joins, frankly speaking by son is still on bottle and he sleeps when he feels like so I don't know how it will work.i am in india now, I will be going to see bright horizons day care also when I come back.

That's kinda harsh! Tour HLS - Hoboken Little School, very close to Hoboken train station. They're more relaxed and the teachers and management is very nice and dedicated. Just enrolled my daughter there! :)

Hey Rita

As parent of 2 children when I searched for a school for my children I also visited all the places you mentioned and some more. Almost all the places came out with mixed reviews so to each to its own (there were few that were outright no including some in your list). For reasons I lined out in my above post we decided to go ahead with Learning Ladders and am so glad we did. My happily growing and learning children are testimony to that alongwith all those bright cheery faces I see at pick-up each evening in all classes and their even happier parents. 


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