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Hello Mommies,

I have been told that these forums are very active and i am very new to it myself. I am looking for pediatricians for a newborn and while i see the list of practices in the areas, i wondered if some of you could shed some light on your experiences with certain doctors at these practice. If you found some to be more involved than others.


I will be visiting with Tribeca Pediatrics NJ location soon and what bothered me was they have no weekend hours. I can see that being very important. But certainly wanted moms to weigh in on their experiences.


I will also be meeting with Riverside and wondered if moms have a few favorite peds they could share.






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I go to riverside in exchange place and since its very close to my house i chose it. Not a big fan but convenient. Dr.baker sees most kids at exchange place

I have heard good reviews about Dr.parekh and Sheeba

Thanks so much for your feedback!

Riverside- Exchange place has a new pediatrician Dr. Kundnani and she is good.

Thanks Swati. I will try her :)

I go to Total care pediatrics - all doctors are good. My son's primary doc is Dr Ansay. She is extremely friendly and good with kids and babies.

Dr.Parekh is good doctor. she gives to the point information and doesn't overwhelm or scare with extra unnecessary details. she also give home remedies and when in emergencies, she responds immediately . 


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