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Interested in sharing a housekeeper? Looking for an after school nanny!

Hi everyone,

I met a wonderful nanny/housekeeper, we need her part time primarily 3-7pm for after school care, unfortunately she needs full time. She is a great housekeeper so I was considering offering some extra hours as housekeeper but was wondering if anyone would be interested in sharing her services. For example she could clean your home 2-3x times a week for a few hours in the early afternoons or mornings? 

Also does anyone know a nanny looking for part time 3-7pm Monday- Friday?


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I am looking primarily for someone who can cook good North Indian food and is good at housekeeping.
I need someone everyday for 3-4 hrs 8.30-12.30 types
Does she know how to cook?



No sorry she isn't Indian so it would be only for cleaning and food prep (cutting vegetables, fridge cleaning, etc). 

Good luck!

Hey Harshna, is she available for house cleaning not regular but say twice in a month?

Hi! Yes I believe she is, her name is Luciana and her number 973-771-9676

Hi Harshna,
I can't reach her on this you have any other way of reaching her?

Hi Kanika,

That is the only number I have for her, sorry. She ended up giving me a quote of $20 per hr for for being a nanny and housekeeper that I felt was a bit too high for us. She seems great but just a little too expensive for us. Thanks!

hi! Im interested in getting someone part time to clean, do laundry and prep for food. can you let me know how much she is charging per hour? 


The rate she gave me is for being a nanny and housekeeping so it would probably be different for just housekeeping. Feel free to give her a call!


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