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Sat, Nov 7 - Attend a free class for Preschool-K at the Brunswick school

A message from the Brunswick School -

Hope you had a great weekend. We will be hosting a class audit for prospective students ages 2.5-Kindergarten (or who will soon be 2.5 years) in our classrooms on Saturday, November 7th at 10AM. Two of our certified Preschool teachers will be giving a mock lesson plan and doing some activities in the class so parents can see what our school is all about! During this audit, parents and students can also sample some of our menu items from our school’s private chef team. 

It is free to attend and just needs an RSVP to reserve their spot—information is all attached.

Classroom Audit Invite

The Brunswick School Curriculum


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Hi, i will be attending along with my husband and 3 yrs old daughter. Do I call or email the school for RSVP?

Hi Rajandeep,

I just saw your post. We will put you, your husband and daughter down on our sign up list. No need to call or email, but if anything changes, feel free to email us at or give us a call at 201-420-1550.



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