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I'm looking for part-time help from someone who can come to my apartment in Newport to cook and clean. Flexible on hours and days! 

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how many hours per day are you thinking about?

I am flexible but in the range of 2 - 4 hours. Do you know someone who might be interested? What time would they be available? 

I know one person who is looking for 3 hours per day. 


please give me her contact info and name. 

my cooking lady is available. She is reliable and cooks good foodl

let me know how many hours and days u need.



Great - will she clean the house as well? If so, I'd like to speak with her directly and try to setup days/times that will work. Thank you.

You can contact Indira Ben at 2019369138. She works for us and is available after 12pm

great, thank you!

hey i have posted an ad for bharati aunty which has her contact details.

Hi Rita

I am looking for cooking and some help every day for at least 2 hours from June 1st to June 13th. Can you pls give me her details. I am in Exchange place

I can be flexible with the timing if she seems reliable


hey neelam

i dont think she will be ready to come in just for 15 days. She is looking for something long term.

Hi Rita. I am looking for someone from 7 am to 12pm everyday. Would she be available and interested. Thanks himali


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