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I am looking for a full Indian nanny starting the 1st week of March. If you know some one who is looking for a job, can you please message me their details?
Thank you!

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Hi Payal,

My nanny is available starting Feb, she is excellent and helped us for over 2 years. You can reach her directly at 973-641-1340. Her name is Mishree. Feel free to write to me at if you need further details.



Call to 7814170115 sonal patel

Hi Payal

Our nanny Rekha ben.. who we had to let go as we put our daughter to school.. is now available and looking for full time job. 

She is extremely trustworthy, very hard working , dependable and loving. Never once took a holiday or even came in late. 

Always very punctual and extremely diligent - apart from taking care of my daughter she cooked for us and did light cleaning.

I would really like to find her a very good loving family.

You can reach out directly to her on this number Rekha Patel : +1 973-960-4169

Or feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions.


Hi Bhavna,

i have a few questions regarding your nanny Rekha Patel & would like to have a quick chat with you.

let me know your phone number so I can  reach you.


Hi Priya

You can reach me on 201-936-6385


Hi Bhavana,

Is your nanny still available? I am looking for 1st April onwards.



Hi Devyani

Yes she is available, she has not finalised a house as yet. Call me on 201-936-6485 if you want to talk.



Hi Payal,

My nanny (4 years of experience) is looking for a full-time job. She has been with us for over 6 months and she took very good care of our daughter. My daughter is very fond of her and they both get along very well. She is great in cooking and does light house work also. The only reason we have to let her go is because I am not working anymore and have decided to spent some time with my daughter before I start working again.

Her name is Mona Shah and you can reach her at 201-238-4541

You can message me for references.


Where are you located at?

2012409310 call to charu ben


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