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Dalia Bose's Discussions

Public (free) preschool prek-3 and pre-k4?

Started Feb 15, 2015 0 Replies

Hi,I live in Hoboken where public PK3 and PK4 are available, and excellent options. However, the downside is that the families don't know for sure which program their children would be placed in.Does…Continue

Tags: school, education, preschool

Find the Right School for Your Child

Started Dec 20, 2014 0 Replies

As a Realtor, I am often asked what the best school in this area is. Actually, choosing the right school for your child is a very personal decision. Ask me, or your friends and neighbors, and you…Continue

Tags: education, preschool, school

Dangers of Buying a FSBO: A Case Study

Started this discussion. Last reply by Dalia Bose Dec 14, 2014. 3 Replies

As some of you know, as a real estate agent, I strive to know the entire market for real estate, not just the units that are on MLS. As a result, I often reach out to private (FSBO) owners or owners…Continue

Tags: property, home, condo, buying, estate

FS: 4 Indian boys outfits (newborn to 2T)

Started this discussion. Last reply by shikha chopra Sep 27, 2014. 1 Reply

for sale: 4 Indian boys kurta pajama or dhoti kurta sets. Each outfit was worn once (less than 1 hour). Not worn during meals. No rips, stains or other issues. Ages newborn to 2T. Details in each…Continue

Tags: diwali, dusehra, pajama, kurta, ethnic

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Private school in downtown JC
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Realtor serving Hoboken and JC

Dalia Bose's Blog

Wall St Journal: How to Get the Best Jumbo Mortgage Rates

Posted on December 30, 2014 at 6:11pm 0 Comments

Today's Wall St. Journal features a great article on how to get the best jumbo mortgage rates.

In our zip code, jumbo mortgages are often the norm. While buying a home is exciting, applying for a mortgage can be very daunting. However, doing your homework, which includes improving your credit score, can make your dream home that much more affordable.

The article touches on quite a few points that should be intuitive. For example, the higher the down payment, the…


Find the Right School for Your Child

Posted on December 22, 2014 at 3:37pm 0 Comments

As a Realtor, I am often asked what the best school in this area is. Actually, choosing the right school for your child is a very personal decision. Ask me, or your friends and neighbors, and you will likely receive overwhelmingly positive feedback on their children’s school. In reality, there is no “best school in town,” only one that is the best fit for your child and your family.

Even though the school year starts after Labor Day, Open Houses for various schools start in…


Home Improvement for Renters

Posted on October 20, 2014 at 2:45pm 0 Comments

Many years ago, I rented in Newport. My husband rented at Towers of America, and our first rental as a couple was in Avalon Cove. And like many of you who are currently renting, I did not know or care much about home improvement. More often than not, I swept minor issues under the rug, since contacting the building’s superintendent would mean taking time off work, and $20-50 in tips. I was also nervous that once he was in the apartment, he would find me guilty of breaking something or…


How Much Cash Reserve Should a Condominium Association Have?

Posted on August 12, 2014 at 10:39am 0 Comments

My real estate practice is focused in Hoboken and Jersey City, NJ, where a large majority of properties are in condominium form. As such, one of the most common questions in buyers' minds is “How Much Cash Reserve Should a Condominium Association Have?” This number is important, since it indicates if the condominium association is in good financial health to make all necessary repairs to the common areas, which are crucial in preserving and increasing the value of the individual unit.…


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