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Baby sitter (Gujarati) Who calls herself Hira Patel (201-898-6476) works in one of the green buildings will come to people's home during her babysitting hours to cook along with the girl she is suppose to take care off while parents are at work. She says the girl will quietly sit in the stroller while she works ... really?? she needs to learn this is not how it works. she also runs errands of her own while Parents are away. Parents need to know this and should take serious action.

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Also, she has 2 phone numbers.. The one referenced here and another one that I didn't have.
Gals I just got a call from Hira Ben Patel for a FT job-2018988403
She said she was in india and was working in Atlantic building for 2 years, I asked her to give me 2 references and she disconnected saying will pull up and call back, does anyone recognize this number?
Yes Rashmi I have this as her number.
Yesterday she told me she has got a FT job.
She gave me reference of Kokila-7326928456 I will get it straight with this Reference to ensure she is aware!

I have the same number for Hiraben and for Kokila. I decided not to hire her even though I am not completely sure if it is the same person referenced in Simple's note above - although it sounds like it might be.

I heard from another source that Hiraben also got into some issues with her recent employer - apparently she accused the dad about taking her pics without her permission or something random like that and then either quit or got fired.

It sounds like this whole network of nannies - all living in / around JSQ and claiming to be believers of a specific Swami (narayan or something) - is not the most reliable. 

I can't verify until I see her pic. Nos can be changed specially if she is claiming she got back from india. Or like alpa mentioned below she might be using kokila's no for now. I will just say if you are in doubt it's not worth taking a chance for your kid.

To clarify, I meant the same numbers as posted above - not the same number for both of the ladies. Thanks! :)

These two numbers are of the same person - Hiraben Patel. Last time i spoke to her, she mentioned that she was in India for long time and returned back 2-3 months ago. She is still looking for job. 

Smruti, she worked with us for last 2 weeks. She has got a FT job starting this week.


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