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Shally arora's Blog – August 2014 Archive (4)

Grilled Cottage Cheese!

Simple is beautiful. Sometimes the most simple of ingredients and flavors are enough to make a perfect recipe. This is one such quick and easy recipe with some basic ingredients. This is one finger food I used to have as a child. Cottage cheese or Paneer is high in protein and covers good amount of daily calcium intake that our body requires.





Added by shally arora on August 20, 2014 at 11:57pm — 2 Comments

Whole Wheat Pizza!

Pizza is generally considered as an unhealthy food option. We do hesitate to give it to kids because of the large amount of carbohydrate and fat which the  ingredients provide. But what if we change the refined white flour to whole wheat flour, the bottled sauce to home-made tomato sauce made from scratch and top it with goodness of all fresh vegetables and herbs.

Here's my attempt to make a healthy pizza of the otherwise infamous unhealthy food option.…


Added by shally arora on August 20, 2014 at 1:24am — 2 Comments

Mango Upside-down Eggless Cake!

My penchant for something sweet after a meal is hereditary. For me no meal is ever complete without the last bite of something sweet. the idea of baking this beautiful mango upside down cake after I saw it on one of the cooking channel on television. Just the look of it was so inviting that I couldn't resist it trying it myself.…



Added by shally arora on August 15, 2014 at 11:46am — No Comments


Accessories has the power to turn a boring look to a la mode. A little experiment with your belts, jewelry, bags can fetch you the desired look without spending hundred of dollars in buying new clothes.

A basic white tee with usual blue denim or a simple white dress - accessorize the outfit with the bangles, shades, a statement necklace or a scarf, a printed tote or a bright satchel and you are sure to  amaze yourself with endless options of creating new look with the same…


Added by shally arora on August 9, 2014 at 11:04am — 6 Comments

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